CCC, OML Center, and CSIRO Australia Designed a Poster for the Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference

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CCC, OML Center, and CSIRO Australia Designed a Poster for the Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference

Posted by: Charlene Mae Arkaina

The OML Center together with Climate Change Commission, and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Australia designed a poster for the “Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference: Adaptation Futures 2014″ to be held on 12-16 May 2014.

The poster entitled  Disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation policy nexus: hindsight on Haiyan super-typhoon in Philippines tackles the impacts of typhoon Haiyan and relates these impacts to the policy gaps in the country. It aims to educate the people especially the policy makers on how  “policy development should enhance preparedness and prevention by better adaptation to future extreme events, and meet the need in managing disaster responses and recovery cross tiers of government from national to local levels down to communities, householders and individuals.”

You may download the poster here
