Scientific Director Attended the IPCC Lead Author’s Meeting

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Scientific Director Attended the IPCC Lead Author’s Meeting

The Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Foundation, Inc. (OML Center) Scientific Director, Dr. Rodel D. Lasco is attending the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Lead Author’s Meeting on 5-8 March 2013, in Oslo, Norway. Dr. Lasco has been appointed as lead author of the revised supplementary methods and good practice guidance arising from the Kyoto Protocol. The report is expected to come out later this year. The IPCC is the co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.

IPCC Activities
One of the main IPCC activities is the preparation of comprehensive assessment reports about the state of scientific, technical and socioeconomic knowledge on climate change, its causes, potential impacts and response strategies. Since its inception in 1988 the IPCC has prepared four multivolume assessment reports. The Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) was published in 2007 and the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) will be finalized in 2014.

AR5 Lead Authors and Review Editors
IPCC reports are prepared by international experts selected by the Bureau to serve as IPCC Lead Authors. Over 830 Authors and Review Editors from 85 countries who have been selected from among 3,000 nominated individuals will prepare the AR5 which will encompass over 50 chapters. Review is an essential part of the IPCC process to ensure an objective, unbiased, transparent and comprehensive assessment of current scientific technical information. Both expert reviewers and governments are called upon to comment on scientific and technical matters in a review process of several stages for a given IPCC report.

Lead Author Meetings
In the course of the assessment process four Lead Author meetings are held by each working group. All Coordinating Lead Authors and Lead Authors get together to initiate the writing process, consult on cross-cutting issues, consider review comments received and revise the text accordingly. Review Editors participate in such meetings to ensure that all review comments are afforded appropriate consideration.
